Saturday 23 May 2009

Real online contract jobs

I'd searched for affiliate marketer ...

Sunday 22 February 2009

Ways to Work from Home

4 Ways to Work from Home Now: Ditch Your 9-to-5 Gig

By Kristina Cowan, Senior Writer for

2. Virtual concierge. As a work from home virtual concierge, you help people with their to-do lists. "It could be anything from finding someone a movie time and buying them movie tickets to planning family vacations anywhere in the world to making appointments. Really just about anything that's legal," explained Lindsay Gibson, director of training for VIPdesk, which offers virtual concierge and customer service.

Legitimate Work at Home Jobs: Work at Home Internet Jobs
Fastest Growing Careers
Commute Time Research

10 Great Cities for Salary Growth
by Siri Anderson,

More from

... the job market in 2009 ...
It might just come down to where you live.
So, how do you know which city might offer you a salary boost ? According to Laurence Shatkin, author of the recently published "150 Recession-Proof Jobs," there is a pattern to discover in the places that do well in a recession. Industries such as basic
health care,
transportation services and
government jobs
stay strong in a recession because they cater to more basic societal needs. These industries will frequently concentrate in the same areas -- quite often state capitals -- maintaining job growth and wage increases, while other areas suffer more.

Below are some profiles of the top-performing large cities of 2008 and their 2007 statistics on personal income growth, according to the Bureau of Economic Research. Looking at these numbers and how "recession-proof" their main industries are will hopefully give an idea how well they'll continue to perform into 2009.
McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, TX - pop. 197, 183 - 7.1% avg. salary increase
Call centers
established by Convergys and T-Mobile in this area have created a healthy chunk of jobs recently. The area has also strengthened its home healthcare industry, which is now the second largest employment sector after state and local government. Drawing off these "recession-proof" industries gives hope that wages will continue to grow.
Provo-Orem, UT - pop. 210,670 - 9.7% avg. salary increase
Benefiting from the innovative brain-power of Brigham-Young University, the information service industry in this city has been fueling rapid growth over the last five years. Business investment in the tech sector remains strong, which should help Provo-Orem ride out the ,slowdown in good form.
* Best Performing Cities 2008 (Milken Institute and Greenstreet Partners, September 2008);
* Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas 2007 (Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, August 2008);
* "150 Best Recession-Proof Jobs" (Laurence Shatkin, Ph.D.)

Monday 19 January 2009

Start Your Engine ! Your Daily Forecast


Start Your Engine!

Jan 17, 2009 to Jan 19, 2009

That internal tension you're feeling could all too easily translate into an irresistible urge to:

a) unceremoniously quit your job;

b) tell off that unappreciative fool you're seeing or

c) move to Sri Lanka (or anywhere you're sure no one knows your name).

What to do ? Try some exercise (mental or physical) !


Cities losing the most jobs

According to a new forecast, the New York area will lose the most jobs in 2009. » 5 cities that won't be hurt
Report: New York to lead US cities in job losses
Ithaca, N.Y.; Fairbanks, Alaska; and St. George, Utah, are among the handful of the nation's 363 metropolitan areas expected to see employment remain flat or increase slightly.
= local not national (not federal)

Sunday 18 January 2009

Alternative Health Sites

Alternative Health Sites

Alternative Healing Choices

The Sedona Method

Amigo Health

The Wellness Test

Emotional Freedom Technique

Gano Excel

Global Health Trax

Get Healthy Again

These bacteria produce vitamin D. So people with sarcoidosis may suffer from vitamin D toxicity. Especially if they are out in the sun a lot, drink vitamin D fortified milk, or take supplements with vitamin D.
It usually starts in one of two places:
  • Lungs
  • Lymph nodes, especially the lymph nodes in your chest cavity.

Sarcoidosis also often affects your:

  • Skin
  • Eyes
  • Liver.

Less often, sarcoidosis affects your:

  • Spleen
  • Brain
  • Nerves
  • Heart
  • Tear glands
  • Salivary glands
  • Bones and joints.

Rarely, sarcoidosis affects other organs, including your:

  • Thyroid gland
  • Breasts
  • Kidneys
  • Reproductive organs.

Sarcoidosis almost always occurs in more than one organ at a time.

Sarcoidosis has an active and a nonactive phase:

  • In the active phase, the granulomas form and grow. In this phase, symptoms can develop, and scar tissue can form in the organs where the granulomas occur.
  • In the nonactive phase, the inflammation goes down, and the granulomas stay the same size or shrink. But the scars may remain and cause symptoms.

The course of the disease varies greatly among people.

  • In many people, sarcoidosis is mild. The inflammation that causes the granulomas may get better on its own. The granulomas may stop growing or shrink. Symptoms may go away within a few years.

However, some symptoms may occur suddenly. They include:
  • Disturbed heart rhythms
  • Arthritis in the ankles
  • Eye symptoms.

In some serious cases in which vital organs are affected, sarcoidosis can result in death.


Symptoms of Autoimmune Diseases


Sleep Disturbance:
Emotional Liability: Someone may cry more easily, be more anxious and fearful. This is caused by the illness, and is not a psychological reaction !

Gastrointestinal Problems: About 75% have this symptom. Can be anything from gas, bloating, cramps, diarrhea or constipation to hiatal hernia, irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn’s Disease. Sometimes taking a simple homeopathic remedy like arsenicum album, 6x or 6c and make a difference with this.

Overdoing: You over-exercise or overwork when you feel good, and then feel worse for days afterward. This can cause serious problems. In healthy people the body shuts down when the anaerobic threshold is reached as a lot of pain is experienced. This warning does not occur if you have an autoimmune disease. Instead, the body continues to exercise and experiences no pain as the lactic acid builds up, and the body ends up recirculating carbon dioxide. This is not a healthy thing to have happen to you. It is important not to push too hard when you start recovering, or this will set you back and wipe you out.

Fluttering Heart. Panic Attacks. Rapid Heartbeat. Mitral Valve Prolapse. Usually blood pressure is low, though it can get high later on. The heart under-pumps blood because it is getting incorrect messages from the autonomous nervous system. The body’s feedback loop picks this up and over-reacts. And you get these symptoms.



Treat the Real Causes of Autism, Naturally!801&keyword=autism+resource
Type A blood could signal protein digestion issues.
(There is a high rate of Type A blood in autistic boys.) Children with type A blood usually have a harder time digesting proteins. This poor digestion of protein leads to a lack of amino acids, and thus a deficiency of glutathione.

o The problem proteins include poultry, meat, cow's milk, cheese and whole eggs.

o Easier to digest proteins include fish, egg whites, gluten, soy products, nuts and seeds.

Candida yeast infections inhibit glutathione production.
About 70% of the time an autistic child can't produce glutathione is because the child has a Candida yeast infection. Almost all children with autism have severe Candida overgrowth.

Candida is yeast that is supposed to exist only in small amounts in the intestinal flora. When a mother has an overgrowth that has spread throughout her body, her baby is infected during birth. The baby's undeveloped immune system cannot kill the Candida, and the friendly bacteria the baby should have picked up from its mother are missing, so Candida overgrowth develops in the baby. Toxins, vaccines, antibiotics and chlorinated water also kill friendly bacteria, and allow Candida to overgrow.

Overgrown Candida changes into a fungal form with legs that literally

drill holes in the intestinal wall.

Partially digested protein slips into the bloodstream through these holes before digestion is complete. The body can't absorb any nutrition, and the immune system must try to get rid of the undigested food as it does any toxin. This is a leading cause of the gluten and other food allergies prevalent in autism. The foods are entering the bloodstream before they are completely digested, so the immune system becomes keyed to treating the foods as harmful, and allergies develop.

A child with Candida overgrowth cannot properly digest protein. So they can't produce enough glutathione to replace what gets used up in cleaning environmental toxins and the heavy metals in the vaccines they have been given. Consequently, a baby with Candida is more likely to be harmed by vaccinations and develop autism, than is a baby who has no Candida overgrowth.

In addition, Candida yeast produce large amounts of toxins. They also consume mercury in the body, and turn it into a form that is more likely to disrupt the brain and nervous system.

Food allergies also contribute to glutathione deficiency.


4. Damaged Myelin Sheath and Exposed Nerves

The myelin sheath is an insulator which protects our nerves from electrical impulses while simultaneously causing those impulses to travel faster. When the myelin sheath surrounding and protecting the nerves becomes damaged by the viruses introduced into the body by vaccinations, or by the Lyme disease bacteria if a child has been exposed to that, two things happen …

Stimulate Cellular Healing in the Brain and Nerves
Rejuvin ... a frequency enhanced water which delivers a message to cells when you drink it. ... reduces inflammation.
Glutathione Pleolyposome.
... a liposomal delivery system.
Zeolite Enhanced - Now with DHQ is our next most important detoxifier.
4. Organically Grown Maitake – A species of medicinal mushroom found to have potent immune system stimulating properties. In relation to the brain cells, Maitake activates macrophages (the body’s natural defense system) and increases their toxicity against foreign invaders and unhealthy cells.
6. Organically Grown Hericium Erinaceus or The Lion’s Maine Mushroom – Research shows that Hericium Erinaceus contains compounds that stimulate the regeneration of neurons. It helps to increase alertness, improve memory, promote nervous system health and has been shown to slow the onset of dementia. Very recent Japanese research indicates that an extract of Hericium stimulates the synthesis of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and promotes the process of myelination.
Fight Candida Overgrowth
Improve Digestive Function
These bacteria together weigh two to three pounds, and could be considered your first organ of defense against disease, comprising as much as 80% of your body’s immune system response.
TotalFlora15 brings together two of the most widely accepted groups of probiotics - the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. They work together to maintain a balance of "good" bacteria within your digestive tract.
Ascorbic Acid ... maintaining the best pH.
This pound and a half container of powder is actually a slightly better candida killer. But it doesn’t replenish the intestinal flora like TotalFlora15 does. And it is much harder to take.
Vitamin C, Organic Burdock Root, Organic Cinnamon, Barley Grass concentrate 10:1, Broccoli Sprout concentrate, Parsley Concentrate 4:1, Astragalus 5:1, the very important Russian Alagan 10% DHQ that is great for fighting cancer and killing candida, Polycil humic and fulvic acid formula. All of these boost the immune system response against candida, or directly kill candida.
... bake it in a muffin or cookie ... It will kill the candida that come to eat the carbs it is mixed or baked into.

Using all of these products should take about 4 to 7 months to see huge improvement in, and hopefully a complete reversal of autism. This time may vary naturally.

Even with the top four products only, you will most likely start noticing improvement in your child within days.

While this may seem an impossible task, it is not once you learn the easy to learn and do EFT tapping sequence called the Emotional Freedom Technique ... 5 or 6 times a day.
... is a web browser designed for autistic children that is well worth checking out.

Caring for Your Aging Parent
By Paula Kue, MD - Posted on Thu, Jan 15, 2009, 5:14 pm PST
1. Talk with your parents early on about what they expect.
2. Ask your parent who they would want making their medical decisions
3. Encourage your parents to get the basics.
... The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has set very conservative guidelines for the health care they recommend; the American Geriatric Society is another resource.

4. Review your parent's medications and supplements
5. Get assistance.

a surprising profession,134910

So, of course, we want to know what happened to him. Is he playing semi-pro ball? In Europe? Is he ... a middle-school teacher in West Virginia that coaches high school basketball for free? The New York Times found the Pittsnogler, and has the answer:

Now, at 24, he is a middle school teacher in his hometown. He is also an unpaid assistant coach for a high school basketball team. He bowls in leagues three nights a week and occasionally plays bingo at Big Bucks Bingo. His wife, Heather, is a bank teller. They have two children and live in a double-wide trailer, and together they wonder how much appetite they have for uprooting their lives again so Pittsnogle can have one more chance at a basketball career.

It's sort of a sad story -- Pittsnogle seems to be split in two. Half of him wants to play basketball, but the other half of him wants to chill out in West Virginia, teach school, play a little bingo at Big Bucks and live out a life that writer John Branch classifies as the one "he expected and wanted before he shot his way into the national consciousness." And still, he seems torn.


Can A Pregnant Woman's Diet Affect Baby's Sex ?

Can A Pregnant Woman's Diet Affect Baby's Sex?

women who ate lots of breakfast cereal, salt and potassium were more likely to give birth to baby boys.
The high-school biology explanation is fairly straightforward. The male determines the sex of offspring: If the man contributes a sperm bearing an X chromosome, then the embryo becomes female. A Y chromosome produces a male baby. It's a matter of chance.

And as far as Young is concerned, that's the end of the story. "The female has nothing to do with the gender of the child," he says.

she stands behind her statistical methods and her findings.

"The women who ate more (calories), including women who were more likely to eat cereal in the morning, were more likely to bear boys than girls," says Mathews. "And it's highly unlikely that this occurred by chance."

Not all fertilized eggs make it to birth, so perhaps the mother's environment, diet or overall health does promote the survival of one gender over the other.

In her study, women who consumed the most calories had a 56 percent chance of having a boy. Those who ate the fewest calories had a 45 percent chance of giving birth to a boy.

Either way, it's close to 50-50 odds.

eating more bananas, cereal or salt

Related NPR Stories


Saturday 17 January 2009

Do-It-Yourself Depression Remedies
... coffee can improve some memory functions ...

She said it remained unclear exactly how moderate coffee drinking helped delay or avoid the onset of dementia, but pointed out that coffee contains strong antioxidants, which are known to counter Alzheimer's.

Some studies have also shown that coffee helps protects the nerve system, which can also protect against dementia, she said, pointing out that yet other studies show that coffee protects against diabetes, which in turn is known to be linked to Alzheimer's.

Do-It-Yourself Depression Remedies
By Howard Levy, M.D. - Posted on Thu, Jan 15, 2009, 5:05 pm PST

Exercise. ... exercise causes the release of ... endorphins in the brain. ... elevate the mood
... the source of the "runner's high"— a state of euphoria
... endorphins as your own natural antidepressants.
... One trick for overcoming inertia and beginning an exercise regimen is to simply make a schedule of exercise time, and commit to doing a specific activity during that time. Start with 20 to 30 minutes 3 times per week, and then try to build towards 45 to 60 minutes every day. If it helps you, try thinking of exercise as a prescription from your doctor to treat depression. It also helps if you can find one or more types of physical activity that you enjoy, or at least don't dislike too much.
Light. ... in ... winter ... spend as much time as possible in front of a big window that lets in a lot of light.
... (and) artificial sunlight ... lamps ... can be ordered directly on the Internet, in ... every price range. ... placing the light next to your bed ... Have it turn on about 10 minutes before you plan to wake up, and lie in bed under the light for about half an hour or so every day. ...

Attitude. ... stressful or sad thoughts and situations. Resisting or denying a diagnosis of depression ... Failing to accomplish desired or necessary tasks ... often makes things worse ...

Try to take stock of your current abilities and limitations — what you can do now, not what you used to be able to do — and then set out some specific, modest goals. Just getting a few things accomplished can help to reduce stress, and that will help improve the depression.

Also, consider whether worrying about things beyond your control is productive or helpful to you. ...

God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.


imaginatie (cinema) si prostitutie - film Sabrina Ferilli;_ylt=AsBYQ9_p9px52hOb.Z9m1OKDnJV4
2. Amino Acid for Restored Mindset
SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine)
... supplement combining it with vitamins B6 and B12.

3. Hands-On Healing
Human touch increases the production of endorphins, growth hormone, and DHEA, all of which lengthen your life span and lower the negative impact of stress. Studies have found that patients who are regularly touched recover faster than those who are not touched. So give someone a hug and feel both of your moods improve.

4. Boost Your "Youth Hormones"
... doing squats and leg presses ... Increased growth hormone translates to an elevated mood, ... weight training, knee bends, push-ups, and rowing.

5. Take a Bracing Breath
... we expel only about 30 percent of toxins in our bodies through the bowels and bladder-the rest is all respiratory. Breathing is also a great way to clear your mind, boost your energy, and improve your mood. Practice deep, slow, rhythmic, breathing daily with mind-body disciplines such as tai chi, yoga, qigong, and meditation.

6. Smell the Joy
... When you stimulate the olfactory nerves inside your nose, you activate the limbic system of your brain, which is associated with moods and memory.
Aromatherapy recommends treating depression with jasmine, eucalyptus for exhilaration, and grapefruit to increase alertness and joy. Just put a dab of the essential oils from these plants on your temples, back of your neck, or acupressure points. Another option? Boil the herb in water and inhale the steam through your nose.

7. Feel Fine with Flowers
flowers are the traditional get-well gesture. Colorful flowers have a powerful influence on moods; they can uplift a patient's mood and even combat stress.
1. Feel berry energetic
Berries are rich in antioxidants and can also help remove toxic residue from the system, which is often the cause of chronic fatigue and low energy. Berries include blueberries, blackberries, raspberry, cranberry, goji berry, hawthorn berries and cherries.

2. Make the most of magnesium
... seeds such as pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds. And don't forget about nuts-especially almonds, Brazil nuts, and cashews.
... making your own trail mix of dried cranberry, plum, and raisin with any combination of nuts and seeds.
3. Food that fights fatigue
... (avoid) bread, pasta, baked potatoes, and most refined grains
... eat foods that are low on the glycemic index ... barley, bulgur, quinoa, amaranth, most nuts and seeds, beans and legumes, chicken, fish, and meat.

Avoid ... sugar ..., ... sodas, sweetened juices, and pastries. ... dairy, meat, fats, sweets, and alcohol.

(alimente si grupa sanguina; rol vitamina B la gr o; ...)

As for when to eat, never skip breakfast or lunch and be sure to eat your last meal no later than 7 p.m. most of the time.

4. Get green energy
Chlorella, spirulina, kelp, wheat grass, barley grass all contain chlorophyll and are high quality protein ...

5. Ginseng:
... an adaptogen, meaning that it helps the immune system to withstand stress from the environment ...

6. Increase your energy with exercise
Exercise every day can help you increase your energy level, cope with stress, and improve your mood. A daily 30-minute cardiovascular exercise combined with stretching and flexibility training ...

If you are intimidated by jumping right into exercise, begin with a daily walking routine. Start small and slowly increase the amount of time you walk. Walk 10 minutes a day for one week. Walk 15 minutes a day on week two, and so on until by week five, you are walking 30 minutes a day. In the meantime, a walk around the block builds your energy level as it clears your mind!

7. Press here for energy

... resistance to stress, enhance immunity, and strengthen the vital organs.
... You can stimulate the same acupuncture point on yourself with a technique called "acupressure." ... you can use your own fingers. The point is located four finger-widths below the kneecap on the right leg. Apply moderate pressure with your thumb until you feel soreness. Hold for 3-5 minutes. Repeat on the left leg.
... Exposure to trace levels of chlorine
... in childhood years may have a pervasive influence on the prevalence of juvenile delinquency in this country.
A mixture of chemicals such as chlorine, lead, herbicides, pesticides and a host of other contaminants is commonly found in the water supply, and in many bottled waters.
chlorine-resistant parasites like cryptosporidium and Giardia
... This intestinal parasite causes flu-like symptoms, and can be fatal to small children and older adults... and is not controlled by chlorine. ...

Cases of childhood asthma, caCases of childhood asthma, cancer, leukemia and immune disorders have all risen in the last decade.ncer, leukemia and immune disorders have all risen in the last decade.
chemicals from drinking and showering with tap water.
Aquasana gives peace of mind ...
Skin Disorders

Skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, dandruff and chronic dryness are all heavily effected by the moisture content of the skin.

Showering and bathing in chlorinated tap water robs skin and hair of their natural protective oils, causing scaling, itching and bacteria imbalances. Chlorine is a strong oxidant and causes damage to skin and hair even at very low levels. Most tap water maintains a residual chlorine level greater than is recommended for swimming pools, 1.5 ppm.

Chlorine also kills much of the beneficial bacteria on the surface of the skin that offers a natural defense against skin disorders.

By removing chlorine from our shower water, where most of the exposure to chlorine occurs, and keeping our bodies hydrated properly, we allow our body's natural healing mechanisms to work properly. In many cases shower filtration can help prevent and cure skin disorders. As with most health problems, prevention is usually more effective than treatment.


Two very negative things happen when we consume water that has been stripped of its natural minerals. First, because demineralized water contains more hydrogen it is an acid with a pH below 7. Any time we consume an acid substance, our bodies will pull minerals from our teeth and bones to produce bicarbonate in order to neutralize the acid. Second, it has been proven that when body fluids become more acid than alkaline the production of free radicals increases, causing an increased risk of cancer. Many studies suggest that cancer cells can grow only in an acid environment. This theory seems to be supported by the fact that around the world, the areas where people live the longest, most disease-free lives are the areas that have the most alkaline water, water with the highest mineral content.


Stay-Home Salaries

Seven Surprising Stay-Home Salaries

by Lila Daniels

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that at last count, 13.7 million Americans were telecommuting. Only one in four had a formal agreement in place with their employers. The vast majority simply arrange with a supervisor to spend a day or two a week out of the office.

In Pursuit of a Telecommute


Sales Representatives

More than ever, big companies are farming out their sales forces. But instead of jobs going overseas, they're going to the suburbs. According to the BLS, one in five sales reps telecommute. The highest paying sales jobs usually involve technical and scientific products. These sales jobs are more likely to require a bachelor's degree. Studying marketing, business, or communications can be excellent preparation for this line of work.
Stay-Home Salary: $68,270

Financial Analysts

Financial analysts help large companies and non-profit organizations figure out how, when, and where to invest their money. Often employed by investment banks, mutual funds, and insurance companies, the independent nature of the work lends itself to working from the home office. You'll need a bachelor's degree in finance, business administration, economics, or accounting to get in on the ground floor.
Stay-Home Salary: $70,400

Personal Financial Advisors

This is another high finance, home-office profession. Instead of working with large endowments, personal financial advisors help individuals manage their money, protect their assets, and plan for retirement. Financial advisors work for financial services firms or investment and planning firms. A minimum of a bachelor's degree in finance, business administration, or accounting is required.
Stay-Home Salary: $67,660


Marketing Manager

Managers (in any department) are more likely to regularly work from home. Marketing managers may find creativity blooms with the freedom of the home office. Increasingly, a master's degree in business administration is becoming the norm for marketing managers, though a good track record and a bachelor's degree may suffice.
Stay-Home Salary: $104,400

The Truth Behind the Telecommute

Technically, to be considered a telecommuter you must regularly works eight or more paid hours at home each week. Telecommuting can cut down on a killer commute or carve out more time for the kids. It can help you find a better work-life balance. But let's be clear--there are a few things telecommuting is not designed for.

  1. It is not a substitute for child care. Imagine trying to hold a conference call while entertaining your two-year-old.
  2. It is not for the recluse. The key to successful telecommuting is communication, particularly with your supervisors.
  3. It is not entry-level workers. According to the BLS Occupational Outlook Quarterly, it is far more effective for employees to make a case for telecommuting after proving their value.

Working at home can help you save on skyrocketing gas prices, but it makes financial sense for your employer, too. A study done for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas showed telecommuters earning $44,000 a year saved their company an average of $10,000. And, telecommuting options improve morale, productivity, and worker retention.

dream of economic equality
... Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
"Civil rights without economic parity is still imprisonment."
"The black middle class is precarious compared to the white middle class," he said.
... He can't afford to take on the unpaid internships that other, more affluent students can, internships that make a difference in getting a job in radio, his career choice.

Male hormone in womb**http%3A//
LONDON – It wasn't until Jude met Jenny that the 3-year-old autistic boy understood what happy people look like. Jenny, a green trolley car with a human face, ... after being rescued by friends, she smiled broadly ...

... while teaching autistic children. "Why should social interaction be so difficult for a child who has very good skills in other areas like memory or an attention to detail?" he wondered.

... Baron-Cohen suggested that autism — which is much less likely to afflict girls — might be an extreme version of the typical male brain. Men tend to understand the world via patterns and structure, whereas women are more inclined to understand emotions and sympathize with others.
... a condition where people perceive systems and patterns while remaining almost oblivious to other people and their feelings.
... if you have the opportunity to practice these social skills, you can improve."
... Other experts said the video was not a replacement for working and playing with real people.
... "This will hopefully start interactions or play sequences that kids can then play with real people."
... distributed 40,000 copies free to families with an autistic child or to doctors working with them.
... Half of the profits go to autism charities and research
Does diet determine gender ?

A controversial study suggests that a pregnant woman's diet may affect the baby's sex. » Cereal a factor

Male hormone in womb linked to autistic traits: study
Mon Jan 12, 10:10 am ET
They found that high testosterone levels were linked to answers that reflected poor social skills, imagination and empathy -- but good attention to and memory for detail. ... less eye contact as a baby, slower language development and more difficulties with empathy. ... not only masculinises the body, it masculinises the mind ...
We all have some autistic traits -- these are a spectrum or a dimension of individual differences, like height.
the research, published in The British Journal of Psychology
autism is often linked with talent.

Friday 16 January 2009

public mindset - the spirit of charity

Joan Salter Fund (JSF)

Servcorp actively raises money for the Joan Salter Fund, a charity that helps young people suffering from cancer or debilitating diseases such as multiple sclerosis. The Rotary Club of Sydney, Australia, of which Joan Salter was a committed member, administers the JSF on Servcorp's behalf.

Joan Salter worked as Servcorp's International General Manager between 1985 and 1996. She was a vibrant, successful businesswoman, and instrumental in Servcorp's development. Joan passed away as a result of cancer at the young age of 46.
1999 - Publicly listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (SRV)
After a successful career in Banking and Real Estate, Mr AG Moufarrige decided to direct his entrepreneurial skills into his own venture.

As with any new business, he need an office, receptionist and secretarial support. He quickly realized that these costs were eating into his profits and that he was unable to keep this staff busy 100% of the time. He decided to investigate sharing space, sharing a receptionist, sharing a secretary - sharing the costs to reduce his overheads.

He first looked into shared space in Sydney back in 1976, but discovered that none existed.

This experience provided the seeds of the smart Servcorp business model.
The concept was simple and he explained wherever he went – all he required to explain it was the back of an envelope! It was that simple!

The concept behind “Why Servcorp works” has not changed to this day.
We have chosen the best buildings with the best views, situated in the most dynamic cities in the world.

For our clients, Servcorp translates into the convenience of up to date corporate infrastructure backed by a professional office support team - all for the lowest possible cost. ... we can have you completely up and running within as little as 24 hours.


How Madoff changes asset management PDF Print E-mail
Philippe Carrel
Written by Philippe Carrel

Tuesday, 06 January 2009

... the Madoff scandal ..., another Enron or Parmalat ...

the most respectable fund managers, private bankers and wealth managers find themselves trapped in a basic Ponzi scam questions the integrity of the entire investment chain: Custodians, administrators, auditors, and obviously regulators. The duration of the fraud in particular is deeply shocking, which reveals a truly dysfunctional system.

Read more ...
Financial crisis ate your job? Try MySpace
In U.S. recession, poverty strikes middle class

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Fast-Growing Careers

Looking For A New Job ? Check Out These Fast-Growing Careers

by Patricia Cecil-Reed


Believe it or not, a recession can be the best time to start your own business. According to Forbes magazine, recessions provide a great platform for those with a solid business idea. Costs are low on everything from supplies to labor, and digital technologies make it easier than ever to work from home. "There is a rock-solid base for expansion once better times return, as they inevitably will," reports Forbes.

Career Training: Online courses, or an associate's or bachelor's degree in business education or business administration can be great preparation for running your own business.

Average Salary: Earnings vary greatly, of course. With small business ownership, the sky's the limit.

A crucial part of any job search is to know what your strengths are. Take the time to evaluate the talents and skills that you have to bring to a new career. And finally, don't hesitate to go the extra mile. Make looking for a job your new full-time job. It may not be easy, but with smart planning and persistence, you can find a new career, maybe even one that makes you happier and allows you to grow to new professional heights.


A kleptocracy (sometimes cleptocracy, occasionally kleptarchy) (root: klepto+kratein = rule by thieves) is a term applied to a government that extends the personal wealth and political power of government officials and the ruling class (collectively, kleptocrats) at the expense of the population.

  • Dictatorship
  • Failed state
  • Lumpenbourgeoisie
  • Netocracy
  • Oligarchy
  • Organized Crime
  • Political corruption
  • Raubwirtschaft
    A narcokleptocracy is a society ruled by "thieves" involved in the trade of narcotics.

    Know your customer
    Know your customer (KYC) is the due diligence and bank regulation that financial institutions and other regulated companies must perform to identify their clients and ascertain relevant information pertinent to doing financial business with them. In the USA, KYC is typically a policy implemented to conform to a customer identification program mandated under the Bank Secrecy Act and USA PATRIOT Act. Know your customer policies have becoming increasingly important globally to prevent identity theft fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing. In a simple form these rules may equate to answering twelve questions, but this is the tip of the iceberg and regulators now expect much more. KYC should not be thought of as a form to be filled - it is a process to be undergone from the start of a customer relationship to the end.