Sunday 18 January 2009

Treat the Real Causes of Autism, Naturally!801&keyword=autism+resource
Type A blood could signal protein digestion issues.
(There is a high rate of Type A blood in autistic boys.) Children with type A blood usually have a harder time digesting proteins. This poor digestion of protein leads to a lack of amino acids, and thus a deficiency of glutathione.

o The problem proteins include poultry, meat, cow's milk, cheese and whole eggs.

o Easier to digest proteins include fish, egg whites, gluten, soy products, nuts and seeds.

Candida yeast infections inhibit glutathione production.
About 70% of the time an autistic child can't produce glutathione is because the child has a Candida yeast infection. Almost all children with autism have severe Candida overgrowth.

Candida is yeast that is supposed to exist only in small amounts in the intestinal flora. When a mother has an overgrowth that has spread throughout her body, her baby is infected during birth. The baby's undeveloped immune system cannot kill the Candida, and the friendly bacteria the baby should have picked up from its mother are missing, so Candida overgrowth develops in the baby. Toxins, vaccines, antibiotics and chlorinated water also kill friendly bacteria, and allow Candida to overgrow.

Overgrown Candida changes into a fungal form with legs that literally

drill holes in the intestinal wall.

Partially digested protein slips into the bloodstream through these holes before digestion is complete. The body can't absorb any nutrition, and the immune system must try to get rid of the undigested food as it does any toxin. This is a leading cause of the gluten and other food allergies prevalent in autism. The foods are entering the bloodstream before they are completely digested, so the immune system becomes keyed to treating the foods as harmful, and allergies develop.

A child with Candida overgrowth cannot properly digest protein. So they can't produce enough glutathione to replace what gets used up in cleaning environmental toxins and the heavy metals in the vaccines they have been given. Consequently, a baby with Candida is more likely to be harmed by vaccinations and develop autism, than is a baby who has no Candida overgrowth.

In addition, Candida yeast produce large amounts of toxins. They also consume mercury in the body, and turn it into a form that is more likely to disrupt the brain and nervous system.

Food allergies also contribute to glutathione deficiency.


4. Damaged Myelin Sheath and Exposed Nerves

The myelin sheath is an insulator which protects our nerves from electrical impulses while simultaneously causing those impulses to travel faster. When the myelin sheath surrounding and protecting the nerves becomes damaged by the viruses introduced into the body by vaccinations, or by the Lyme disease bacteria if a child has been exposed to that, two things happen …

Stimulate Cellular Healing in the Brain and Nerves
Rejuvin ... a frequency enhanced water which delivers a message to cells when you drink it. ... reduces inflammation.
Glutathione Pleolyposome.
... a liposomal delivery system.
Zeolite Enhanced - Now with DHQ is our next most important detoxifier.
4. Organically Grown Maitake – A species of medicinal mushroom found to have potent immune system stimulating properties. In relation to the brain cells, Maitake activates macrophages (the body’s natural defense system) and increases their toxicity against foreign invaders and unhealthy cells.
6. Organically Grown Hericium Erinaceus or The Lion’s Maine Mushroom – Research shows that Hericium Erinaceus contains compounds that stimulate the regeneration of neurons. It helps to increase alertness, improve memory, promote nervous system health and has been shown to slow the onset of dementia. Very recent Japanese research indicates that an extract of Hericium stimulates the synthesis of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and promotes the process of myelination.
Fight Candida Overgrowth
Improve Digestive Function
These bacteria together weigh two to three pounds, and could be considered your first organ of defense against disease, comprising as much as 80% of your body’s immune system response.
TotalFlora15 brings together two of the most widely accepted groups of probiotics - the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. They work together to maintain a balance of "good" bacteria within your digestive tract.
Ascorbic Acid ... maintaining the best pH.
This pound and a half container of powder is actually a slightly better candida killer. But it doesn’t replenish the intestinal flora like TotalFlora15 does. And it is much harder to take.
Vitamin C, Organic Burdock Root, Organic Cinnamon, Barley Grass concentrate 10:1, Broccoli Sprout concentrate, Parsley Concentrate 4:1, Astragalus 5:1, the very important Russian Alagan 10% DHQ that is great for fighting cancer and killing candida, Polycil humic and fulvic acid formula. All of these boost the immune system response against candida, or directly kill candida.
... bake it in a muffin or cookie ... It will kill the candida that come to eat the carbs it is mixed or baked into.

Using all of these products should take about 4 to 7 months to see huge improvement in, and hopefully a complete reversal of autism. This time may vary naturally.

Even with the top four products only, you will most likely start noticing improvement in your child within days.

While this may seem an impossible task, it is not once you learn the easy to learn and do EFT tapping sequence called the Emotional Freedom Technique ... 5 or 6 times a day.
... is a web browser designed for autistic children that is well worth checking out.