Thursday 21 December 2006

An aikido experience


A new experience - Oct. 20, 2006 at 02:32 PM

Shortly after beginning my fall semester at LCC I found myself in need of substituting a kinesiology class due to a time conflict. And to make a story short I ended up in an Aikido class. I new that it had something to do with self-defense and I thought, no biggie! I can handle it. Well, as soon as I finished the first class I thought to myself what am I doing here? Self defense and Martial Arts are totally different things; martial arts are not for me. What have I to do dressed up as a karate girl? No way!

It turns out that I can be anything except a quitter. For me challenge can be exhilarating, so I stayed. I must say that this has been the most wonderful experience in many years for me.
... It is said that Aikido is the art of peace. As for me I am convinced that it is so. All of a sudden I find myself happy in many if not all aspects of my life.

First of all I've learned that one's physical integrity becomes unassailable when you are in harmony within your context.

Emotionally, the art of peace has made me a more caring and affectionate person which has enabled me to become less prejudice and more open to accept people the way they are. I am, more than ever, determined to live a fulfilling life. ... As long as I appreciate and enjoy every single day, every single minute, every single instance, every single breathe and share my joy with others out there I will have taken another step in achieving a fulfilling life.

Every day offers an opportunity to grow in many ways. It's like everyday has a gift waiting for me. Enjoy life!

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