Wednesday 7 January 2009

spiritual economic forces


Outline of Occult Science, Dr. Rudolf Steiner - [ Tradu această pagină ]




  • Chapter 2: The Shaping of Destiny
  • Chapter 3: The Development of Human Consciousness
  • Chapter 4: Evolution from the Point of View of Spiritual Science
  • ...

    Chapter 7: The Modern Path of Initiation


    Chapter 10: The Philosophical Approach to the Spirit


    Through his spiritual faculties Rudolf Steiner was aware of the influence of demonic powers on people's way of thinking and wished to counteract this. It is significant that in his inner struggles the Christ impulse was the sustaining factor. He states, 'At this time of testing I succeeded in advancing further only when in spiritual perception I brought before my soul the evolution of Christianity.' He felt that he was commissioned — so to speak — by the spiritual world to speak of spiritual matters.

    Knowing the reality of the spiritual from personal experience he found it difficult to sympathize with the socio-economists who considered that only material-economic forces determine development and that the spiritual is a sort of ideo-imaginative superstructure. He was convinced that the answer to world problems was not to be found in economics or politics. Religion or spiritual knowledge has been the source of inspiration in the past and this is still the case although it now has to be acquired in a different way.



    Our present epoch dates back to the fifteenth century when man began to think in terms of number, weight and measure and when he began to be more conscious of himself as an individual. With the development of individuality, with ego-consciousness, it is no longer appropriate to follow the old ways. Everyone who will must go forward on his or her own initiative. Naturally he or she will seek guidance but the guidance given, in whatever form, will not be coercive.

    The study of spiritual science is something readily available to anyone who can read. Those who feel the need to make personal investigation have to develop special organs of perception.


    those wishing to know the cause of things — the spiritual reality behind the physical phenomena — can also follow a course of study, develop new faculties and bring their knowledge to practical use. In this case, however, it is not a matter of enhancing the already existing organs of perception but of developing new, soul-spiritual ones.


    There the fourfold being of man is described, namely, physical body, etheric (life force), astral (soul forces), ego (individuality). The physical body contains our physical organs including the organs of sense-perception. They are relatively passive. The new soul-spiritual organs have to be activated. Their base is in the astral body and they must, therefore, be developed by cultivation of the soul forces, i.e. thinking, feeling and willing.


    A normal sense of judgement should be retained, the usual everyday tasks performed. What is required is essentially a matter of developing an increased awareness. There are individuals who quite naturally have a greater perception and sensitivity than others. For instance, a sensitive person will be very conscious of a certain 'atmosphere' associated with a particular place. It is sensitivity of this sort which must be nurtured.


    The indications given are general in character but it is obvious that different people have different faculties and different capacities. Some will find the suggestions and approach easier than others, yet what is indicated is universally applicable and out of the plenitude of indications each person must seek his own way. It is a path of self-development.


    3 Calmness in the face of joy and sorrow

    In this sphere the soul must develop composure and equanimity. It is not a matter of becoming indifferent but of ruling the emotions, of not giving way to anger, fear, pain. In normal life, feeling and emotion are spontaneous. Now they should be looked at objectively. The opportunity for practice comes in everyday life.

    4 Positiveness in judgement of the world

    Thought and feeling are further schooled by the practice of positive judgement. This means that our awareness of what is bad or ugly should not prevent us from seeing what is good and beautiful.

    5 Objectivity and open-mindedness towards life

    In the book At the Gates of Spiritual Science this fifth requirement is listed as Faith. One might also call it Receptivity. It means the ability to meet every new experience with an unprejudiced mind.


    For an exact description, the reader must refer to the relevant chapters in Knowledge of the Higher Worlds. Here only an indication is given so that he may appreciate what is involved.


    3 Attention should be paid to the way in which people speak and the student should learn to listen without inner participation, even to the most outrageous statements. He should begin to discern what lives in the soul of the other person.


    Practical Hints


    They may derive benefit by joining or even inaugurating a study group.
