Wednesday 24 December 2008

Associates Ad from DIG Bv (draft notes)

Have you owned a business or practiced a profession for at least 3 years and than had voluntary bankruptcy or returned to be an employee ?


Stop ! Vrem o schimbare ! Vrem sa traim viata acum cand suntem tineri, nu la pensie (care o mai apuca -> statistica link) ! Putem sa dam lumii ce avem mai bun ! Ne-am saturat de colegi depresivi-agresivi si sefi arbitrari ! Putem mai mult decat (li"berari"); preferam sa investim banii in colegi de "breasla" si alte activitati economice sa usa ii redistribuim celor ce au nevoie, decat sa ii tin ingropati in banci (+ islamic banking). We had&have enough money to pay specialists (sport animators for an example), but lacked the skills to recrut or contract an recrutor company. So we wrote an ad for a change. Give us ur feed-back about proper-real-sustenable NGO.

One of the key focus areas will be the formation of strategic alliances, by which firms can effectively tap into the “warm reservoirs” of partner-organisations, and capitalise on the high level of trust that already exists there.
= + Ad strategic alliances (aikido, NGO, associates, entrepreneurs)

studiu armata britanica in TEX: alcoolisti;

No Raise ? Aim for Perks
by Larry Buhl, for Yahoo! HotJobs

Flexibility Pays Off

... consider whether perquisites -- like better opportunities for career advancement, or improved work-life balance -- are more important than the cash. For many people, they are worth their weight in gold.

In a 2006 survey of 10,000 U.S. workers, human resources consulting firm Hudson found that slightly less than half considered money their biggest consideration. Others valued perquisites such as healthcare benefits, better retirement benefits, and a better work-life balance over extra pay.

Health and retirement benefits are usually not negotiable after you've got the job, although it doesn't hurt to ask. Other perquisites are routinely given, in addition to, or in lieu of, pay increases. These include:

  • Extra vacation days
  • Training
  • Telecommuting
  • Reimbursement for commuting expenses
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Sabbaticals

4 Negotiation Tips
