Friday 26 December 2008

draft notes - contract type

orphans, calugar, wrestling
praying for divine will's sign
wrestler = orphan (he ? => his childhood) dreams ? = self-esteem + respect from enemies ?

Ignacio (Jack Black) is an overweight luchador with a tag-team partner. His mother was a Lutheran missionary from Scandinavia and his father was a deacon from Mexico. They tried to convert each other but instead got married, then died while Ignacio was young. Having grown up as an orphan in a Mexican monastery, he is now a grown man and the monastery’s cook, but he is looked down upon by the other friars. All his life, Ignacio has dreamed of becoming a luchador (Lucha Libre performer); but because wrestling was forbidden by the monastery, his dream remains unfulfilled. Ignacio cares deeply for the orphans, having grown up in the orphanage himself, but his food is terrible due to a lack of funds with which to obtain quality ingredients.

After being robbed in an alley of the orphans' tortilla chips, he decides that he must hatch a plan to make money to buy better food. During the same few days, he reveals that he additionally desires to be respected and admired, as the luchadores are; that he is particularly hostile to one friar, who behaves in a sanctimonious way toward him; and that he harbors sexual feelings for the newly arrived tutor, Sister Encarnación (Ana de la Reguera) with whom he finds he has much in common. It is partly to impress Sister Encarnación with the idea that he is a good man that Ignacio calculates his later actions.

Ignacio eventually decides to become a luchador. He pairs up with the tortilla chip thief to earn money for the orphans. Donning a homemade mask, sweats, and a blouse, he enters the local competition, accompanied by the slender, atheistic street thief Steven (Hector Jimenez). Steven, under the name of Esqueleto ("Skeleton"), becomes Ignacio's tag partner in wrestling. Ignacio, in order to keep his identity secret from the monastic order, shortens his given name to "Nacho" while in the ring.

In their first match, Nacho and Esqueleto are defeated. To their surprise, the manager pays them anyway, explaining that every wrestler is entitled to a portion of the total revenue. He adds that the crowd has enjoyed their performance and asks them to return next week to fight another bout. By this means, their wrestling career begins. Later, Ignacio is caught wearing his wrestling undergarments by Chancho, one of the orphans. Nacho tells Chancho that when you get older it is fun to play dress up. Chancho sees through the lie and Ignacio makes Chancho promise not to tell anyone that he has become a Luchador.

income redistribution ?

=> dd too =

wives and army retiree

Ignacio becomes frustrated by losing every fight (irrelevant to his annoyance, but notable, is the observation that some of his opponents cheat) and looks for help. Steven brings him to a gypsy-like man (Peter Stormare) who tells Ignacio to climb to an eagle's nest, crack open the egg, and swallow the yolk. This, he claims, will give him the powers of an eagle. Ignacio obeys, but still loses the following night's wrestling bout. He is very annoyed at having been disappointed. Later, he decides to seek advice from Ramses, the champion luchador. They sneak into a party and try to arrange an audience with the champion to try to become experts. They fail and are thrown out. Nacho is rather disgusted by Ramses' treatment of them, which disappoints Nacho immensely and kills his hero-worship of the champion.

Thereafter both Esqueleto and Nacho compete with several other popular wrestlers in order to earn the right to challenge Ramses. The wrestler Silencio ("silence") wins; Nacho comes in second place.

Ignacio is revealed to the monastery as a luchador, when his robe catches fire during a prayer. Because he is at the time thinking primarily of his

confused motivations for

wrestling and the clarification thereof, he does not notice when one of the candles by which he is surrounded falls down, igniting his robe. Beneath it are the colorful trousers of his wrestling costume. Thus exposed, Ignacio leaves the monastery to live in the nearby wilderness, taking only his clothes and a lucky machete given to him by Chancho.

In the wilderness, Ignacio eats cactus and builds a crude framework of sticks, in an effort to create shelter. In the morning, Steven comes to see him. He tells him that Silencio's bunions are swollen and therefore cannot fight Ramses; because Nacho came in second, he now has the right to fight Ramses in Silencio's stead. During Steven's explanation, the viewer is shown a flashback, wherein Steven ran a motorized tricycle over Silencio's foot, having seen him quarrel with a tiny child over a loaf of bread.

Ignacio, at first, is skeptical of Steven's enthusiasm, due to the cause of an argument in which Steven had stated that he hated all the orphans in the whole world. Steven replies that he does not hate them anymore, and that the children need a hero. Ignacio accepts the role.

That night, Ignacio sends a message via Steven to Sister Encarnación, wherein he explains his plan and confesses his love to her. In the match, Nacho is nearly defeated - indeed, unmasked - by Ramses. Although the unmasking is a very significant move for a Luchador's career, suggesting the player's defeat and dishonor, the match continues with minimal acknowledgment of the act. Just as Nacho is about to lose, Sister Encarnación enters accompanied by the orphans, who are wearing masks to imitate Nacho. Inspired, Nacho throws Ramses off, chases him out of the ring, and jumps onto him with a flair recalling his earlier brush with eagle eggs and their supposed power. By doing so, Nacho beats Ramses and becomes champion.

Ignacio uses the prize money to buy a bus for field trips for the children. The film closes on one such trip, wherein Ignacio, Steven, and Sister Encarnación take the children to see an ancient city, Monte Albán, built by the Zapotec civilization. Ignacio, by now, has earned Encarnación's favor, as demonstrated by her signs of encouragement and his somewhat awkward acknowledgment thereof.

03 decembrie 2008

De ce are Adela interzis la măritiş

Vedeta Acasă TV a fost pusă de Media Pro să semneze un contract prin care, pe durata filmărilor la serialul “Îngeraşii”, nu are voie să se mărite sau să rămână însărcinată. Astfel, pentru a-şi oficia relaţia cu Marius Kalmar, ea va trebui să mai aştepte încă un an.

Odată cu lăsarea intunericului, Capitala işi deschide porţile pentru o altă viaţă. Aceea a "păsărilor" de noapte, a fetiţelor in blugi stramţi şi cu tricouri ieftine, cumpărate de prin targurile cu vechituri, care îşi oferă trupurile plăpânde pentru câţiva bănuţi. De ceva timp însă, criza le arde şi pe prostituate la buzunare, astfel că amatoarele de sex au venit cu oferte incendiare. Partenerii fideli sunt răsplătiţi cu partide... pe datorie şi lăsaţi să plătească la sfârşitul lunii, atunci când îşi iau leafa.
haine scumpe + second hand = zarafi

Iubim femeia...
... frumuseatea unei femei nu sta in vesmintele pe care le poarta ... sta in ochii ei ...
... Pentru ca le zambesc tuturor copiilor mici care trec pe langa ele.
... Pentru ca in pat sunt indraznete si inventive nu din perversitate, ci ca sa-ti arate ca te iubesc.
... Pentru ca nu citesc reviste porno si nu navigheaza pe site-uri porno.
... Pentru ca joaca sah, whist sau ping-pong fara sa le
intereseze cine castiga.
... Pentru ca au un fel de-a rezolva probleme care te scoate din minti. Pentru ca au un fel de-a gandi care te scoate din minti. Pentru ca-ti spun „te iubesc" exact atunci cand te iubesc mai putin, ca un fel de compensa(tz)ie.