Wednesday 17 December 2008


My first company was an joint venture, an limited company.

Later I found an NGO. Some of my reasons:
  • to work in team, rather as an independent professional;
  • to create something for all my working life, rather than shorter time jobs;
  • to be, for my future kids, an proper exemple, instead of heritage mindest role playing;
  • to give as I still live;
  • to delegate and divide tasks, respecting my fellow citizens;

Later, I've learned about micro and macroeconomy.

Than, in a dialog with an company manager (2002 december), in a moment of inspiration, I answered to the "why nonprofit ?" question:

- what is the purchase power score ?

- have your company made same profits, capital gains, interests, ..., something ?

- (to understand better, when I asked a public notary about NGO in 1996, he told me that I must have a huge wealth as an V.I.P., even that I had copies after incorporation documents from several romanian NGOs proving opposite; ... needless to say that to many romanians it seems the same today)

partida dubla, scontare, wealth (acumulated), profit as virament, scarcity economy mentality (worries about not having enough money, worries about how to keep the value of acumulated cash)

I can't see me as an patron, taxes collector from employees, investor ... Maybe because my education is christian. And "being rich is evil !" :)) .